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ASLI Awards

ASLI presents two different awards:

The FASLI (Fellow of the Association of Sign Language Interpreters) for those who are members of the association

Fellowship of the Association of Sign Language Interpreters is awarded for valuable and extraordinary commitment to the Association or the profession

The Ben Steiner Triennial Memorial Award. Recipients do not have to be members of the association

The Ben Steiner Triennial Award is awarded for outstanding, positive and consistent contributions and achievements towards the development of sign language interpreting over a number of years

FASLI Recipients

2023: Naomi Bearne

2022: Daniel Roberts

For extraordinary commitment to the profession and the Association over many years.

Daniel is a long-standing member of ASLI and has served on the board twice. He is highly regarded as an interpreter and as a role model to trainee interpreters.

2021: Dr Robert Adam

For his continued contribution to the interpreting and translation profession both in the UK and elsewhere. For his work as current chair of the Deaf Interpreters’ Network, involvement with the British Deaf Association, the World Federation of the Deaf, as current Assistant Professor at Heriot-Watt university, and previous work at DCAL to name but a few achievements. .

Over many years Robert has contributed to our knowledge of sign language interpreting and the profession through his many published articles. He has been, and continues to be, an inspiration to many translators and interpreters, not only in the UK but across the world as a mentor and a friend.

2020: Andy Carmichael

For his extraordinary and on-going commitment to the professions, speaking out for the interests of interpreting students, trainees, professionals and deaf community members.

Andy is commended for his role as a mentor to many, a thinker and ambassador for ASLI, serving on the ASLI board between 1996 – 1998 and 2014 – 2020.

2020: Ali Hetherington

For her pioneering work in promoting and championing professional supervision among interpreter practitioners, establishing the first ever Diploma in Supervision course for our profession.

As an interpreter trainer, and academic, Ali has continuously pressed the importance of self-care, the need for on-going reflection and professional development.

2019: Gail Dixon

For the time, effort and passion she has shown in her work as a practice professional, supervisor, mentor, colleague and advocate as well as years of dedication to ASLI as a board member and a regular regional attendee. Known as ‘The Oracle’ on all things ASLI, the association continues to benefit from Gail’s support and ongoing guidance.

2018: Sarah Haynes

For her sustained and dedicated efforts, and considerable impact she has made for individuals and in furthering the profession of signed language interpreting
Previously an in-house interpreter at the University of Bristol Centre for Deaf Studies, she taught many interpreting students there for over a decade. She has supported interpreters in the mental health domain through her work with Deaf CAMHS. Sarah continues to train, assess and mentor interpreters through a jointly founded training company. A long standing, active and highly values member of ASLI. Sarah held both Regional and National Chair roles. Sarah’s continued commitment to developing the profession is demonstrated by her current roles, as both a Trustee for the NRCPD and the Signs of God charity, and as Company Secretary and Bible Translator for the BSL Bible Translation Project.

2017: Professor Jemina Napier

For being a guiding light and a source of inspiration to all interpreters. Jemina has been fundamental in shaping the way in which we learn, reflect upon, understand and discuss our profession. Few academics or interpreters have been as prolific as Jemina; her contribution to the theory and practice of interpreting across a wide variety of settings in immeasurable and her passion for the interpreting profession is legendary.

2017: Dr. Robert Skinner

For his extraordinary commitment to the profession, the Association and to sign language communities, near and far.

Rob continually inspires with his skill, enthusiasm, attitude and his energy to go the extra mile in everything he applies himself to. Particularly notable is his academic work on video mediated interpreting.

2016: David Wolfenden

For his longstanding commitment to the profession and the Association, having acted as an ambassador for both, nationally and internationally.
This is demonstrated in the regional and national positions to which David has given his time and energy, and in highly valued mentoring, training and supervisory roles that he continues to offer to fellow interpreters.

2015: Linda Duncan

For her longstanding commitment to the Association, and her work in ensuring that the Scottish interpreters network became recognised as an ASLI region.

2014: Darren Townsend-Handscomb

For longstanding contributions to the profession, offering training, advice, support and guidance to interpreters over the years, as well as leading on a project to develop sign language interpreting services in Gambia. In particular, the Association recognises the time, energy and extraordinary commitment that Darren has put into establishing and maintaining the deafatw website, an invaluable resource for interpreters and Deaf professionals.

2014: Dr. Jules Dickinson

For the extraordinary commitment that Jules has shown to the profession over the years as researcher, lecturer, trainer, and mentor, using her intellect and passion to develop individual interpreters and the profession as a whole. Her unstinting contributions to ASLI as a member of the Access to Work group and Board Director are demonstrated not just in the sheer amount of time and energy given, but in her ability to ‘stand up and say what needs to be said’.

2013: Karen Newby

For her longstanding commitment to the profession and the Association, acting as an ambassador for both. This is demonstrated in the regional and national roles to which Karen has given her time, as well as the much-valued support, advice and mentoring she continues to give to her fellow interpreters.

2013: Bibi Lacey-Davidson

For her work with Professionals and Consumers Working Group and the Our Health in Your Hands projet.

2012: Gill Behenna

For her selfless work in interpreting and beyond. She is best known for founding Signs of God, an organisation bettering Deaf access in Christian settings, including training interpreters, developing BSL resources and providing information. She is also a trustee of a Deaf charity and a Deaf school governor. Gill has worked at ASLI for many years at both regional and national level and is a worthy recipient of the FASLI award.

2011: Elvire Roberts

For her unwavering commitment to the profession as a whole and for her work as an ‘ambassador’ for ASLI.

This is demonstrated in her ‘leading by example’ and her continuous support of the region, and interpreters nationally, through her training and development work.

2011: Jackie Griffiths

For her continuous active support of ASLI, her region and fellow interpreters.
This is demonstrated in her extensive work in helping to develop the Association, her work as a mentor, and the support and advice she gives to fellow interpreters at all levels of their careers.

2010: Dr. Christopher Stone

For his outstanding contribution to interpreters, our clients and the profession through his long serving commitment on the Association’s Executive Committee and for his continued work in the field of research and training.

2008: Roger Beeson 

For long term and sustained dedication to the interpreting profession generally and for his commitment in facilitating communication, awareness and information exchanges whilst continuing to challenge preconceptions, both within ASLI and externally

2007: Nigel Cleaver

For his valuable and extraordinary dedication to the Association through his work on the National Executive Committee; in particular for his involvement in representing the Association’s role externally and in establishing the Association’s Professional Development Programme.

2007: Zane Hema

For his valuable and extraordinary commitment to the Association through his work on the National Executive Committee; in particular his inspirational leadership and ongoing commitment to raising the profile of the Association and establishing its international contribution

2006: Granville Tate (Deceased)

For his consistent and outstanding commitment to furthering the work of the Association over many years at local and national levels, and for his contribution to the profession, particularly within the Education domain.

2004: Pauline Ridgeway

For her outstanding contribution to the Association, its members and the profession.

2003: Peter Llewellyn-Jones

For his support of the Association, his long standing commitment to the profession and for his exceptional work in the field of the education and training of Sign Language Interpreters.

2003: Pádraigín Ní Rághillíg(formerly known as Pat O’Reilly)

For her outstanding commitment and dedication to the Association and the profession, in particular her work on the Association’s Executive Committee which has done so much to move ASLI and profession forward.

2001: Helen Shirley (Deceased)

For her contribution to the Association, as Membership Secretary and Treasurer over many years.

2000: Byron Campbell

For his outstanding contribution to the Association, its members, and the profession, and for his work as a tutor and mentor to student interpreters.

2000: Trudy Field

For her outstanding contribution to the Association, its members, and the profession, and for her work promoting teaching and inspiring interpreters in the field of religious interpreting.

2000: Gloria Ogborn

For her wholehearted commitment to the Association as past national Chair, and for her outstanding work in developing awareness within the legal system.

Ben Steiner Award Recipients

2021: Jacqui Beckford

2017: Roger Beeson

2012:  Dr Rachel Sutton-Spence

2008:  Mary Brennan

2005:  Liz Scott Gibson

Awards Documents


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