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New ASLI Membership Categories

New ASLI Membership Categories are now live!

ASLI's New Membership Categories - April 2024

As approved at the 2023 AGM, the new ASLI membership categories have gone live with the new website launch


Interpreter Members are:

Qualified Practitioners (previously Full Members) - practicing sign language interpreters, translators and interpreters for Deafblind people who are registered with a national regulatory body

Trainee Practitioners (previously Associate Members) - interpreters, translators and interpreters for Deafblind people who are regulated by a national regulatory body for interpreters/translators

Non-practicing (new category) - interpreters, translators and interpreters for Deafblind people previously or currently registered with a national regulatory body for interpreters who are not working in these roles


Supporter Members are:

Students - students of interpreting and translation who are currently engaged on an interpreting and/or translation course that, on completion, will lead to registration as a trainee or registered interpreter/translator. Student members will not practice as an interpreter or translator other than for the explicit purpose of their studies, with appropriate supervision

Individual Supporters - any person who supports the aims and objectives of the Association

Corporate Supporters - any organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the Association

(Supporter categories are unchanged in the new policy)




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Association of Sign Language Interpreters Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales

Registration number: 04766613

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